Hot water boiler from Achenbach

Hot Water Boilers

Similar to the steam boiler, the hot water boiler is mostly used for industrial purposes. The output reaches over 30,000 kW. This corresponds approximately to the output of 500 average motorized VW Golf.

According to the Pressure Vessel Guideline, a distinction is made between warm water (0.5 bar gauge pressure up to 110°C) and hot water (corresponding to more than 0.5 bar gauge pressure above 110°C).

Achenbach's hot water boilers are available as waste heat boilers and as directly fired boilers with the associated peripherals according to customer requirements and specifications. Boiler bodies are either designed and manufactured by Achenbach according to requirements or boiler bodies are purchased as standard and individually equipped by Achenbach. The customer's needs always remain the focus.

An energy-efficient design is also a main criterion for this type of boiler.
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